The uncanny valley of performers’ likenesses is getting more shallow as technology advances and use the of AI becomes more prominent. From the early days of CGI being used in place of an actor with the family’s blessing such as Nancy Marchand in The Sopranos, to Peter Cushing in Rogue One. However, Robert Downey Jr is making sure he will never be digitally recreated, even after he’s long dead.
Appearing on a recent episode of the On With Kara Swisher podcast, the Oscar winner explains his intentions to anyone and everyone who tries to digitally clone him in any fashion.
“I intend to sue all future executives,” he said bluntly (via Variety). That goes for any higher-ups who sign off on the creation of a Downey digital replica. Downey explained that he didn’t want his likeness being used on-screen through AI technology and/or deepfakes.
Swisher replied that Downey would be dead, to which the actor replied: “But my law firm will still be very active.” Downey also commented that he doesn’t think Marvel or Disney will try anything with his likeness in the future, as he trusts the people behind those decisions.
“I am not worried about [Marvel] hijacking my character’s soul because there’s like three or four guys and gals who make all the decisions there anyway and they would never do that to me, with or without me.”
Downey recently made his Broadway debut to perform in Bartlett Sher’s McNeal, as the titular Jacob McNeal Come from online casino bangladesh . The production is a one-act play that takes on corporate AI giants and discusses artistic integrity, plagiarism, and copyright infringement.
“I don’t envy anyone who has been over-identified with the advent of this new phase of the information age. The idea that somehow it belongs to them because they have these super huge start-ups is a fallacy,” Downey added. “The problem is when these individuals believe that they are the arbiters of managing this but meanwhile are wanting and/or needing to be seen in a favorable light. That is a massive f—ing error. It turns me off and makes me not want to engage with them because they are not being truthful.”
The actor will return to the MCU in 2026 after a seven-year hiatus as the villain Dr. Doom for the upcoming Avengers films, Doomsday and Secret Wars.